Harry & Henry
2 year old male Golden Retriever siblings
Adopted by their foster family as of 3/4/25! Here is what they had to say:
“Our former golden retriever, Sunny, passed away. She was my soulmate pup and I was heartbroken. I thought that I would not be able to love another until these sweet and beautiful boys, Harry and Henry, came into our lives. After a month of fostering, their adoption was finalized. They are quite a pair. It has been fun watching their different personalities surface.
Harry (blonde) is gentle and timid at times. Harry likes to gather things such as shoes, toys and more. If something is lost or missing, the first place to look is on Harry’s bed and under him because he likes to hide it. He loves leather. He has chewed on our leather slippers; even though they have plenty of toys. On our first car ride to the pet store, Harry chewed the leather leash into 3 pieces. We’ve had this leash for quite awhile as it was used with our previous 6 golden retrievers. We had to buy new leashes on that first trip. It was the boys first lesson on leash etiquette because they had none. The walk around the store was difficult. Harry caught on first, but Henry resisted.
Henry (red) is the sentinel and daredevil. Henry is always on watch duty. He chose the bed that is located in a strategic place where he has eyes on the living space, front yard and backyard. He is the one that experiences things first like going up/down the basement stairs. If Henry does it, then Harry feels comfortable following.
Henry also loves mealtime and if not separated, he will eat his and Harry’s food. Harry a.k.a. Chef Harry likes to watch human meal prep from the entrance to the kitchen. Harry and Henry like to hike. Henry does better snowshoeing than Harry. Henry likes to plow through the snow and likes to be chest-high in it. Harry …not so much. Harry likes to stay in the cleared areas that are easy to walk on. When it comes to free play time in the backyard, they are both into it and have a blast.
They are fast to learn. They learned sit/stay within days whether waiting for permission at meal time or to exit to the backyard. We have started formal training and I predict that they will be top in their class. All of these personality traits are endearing and we are happy that they feel comfortable enough to be themselves. Because of Harry and Henry, our home and hearts are bright and full of love. They are helping us heal while they are enjoying their new life. We’ve had a wonderful experience in this fostering/adoption process with GRRoM. Thank you to all the magnificent volunteers.”
Harry and Henry are almost 2yrs old. They are a very sweet and bonded pair. Friendly with dogs and people! They were surrendered to GRRoM from Animal Control after being rescued from their prior living situation.