Champ’s Surgery Update

The above photos are of Champ before and after surgery! T

he first picture if of Champ before surgery. In the middle, Champ is being walked out after surgery with some help! In the picture on the right, Champ is ready to rest and recover!

The above photos are of Champ 1 week after surgery! He is healing up so well and is so much more comfortable! This is a great reminder that dogs are so amazing and resilient!

Written by GRRoM Volunteer, Elizabeth Danko

It’s been a big day for the big guy!

Some of you know that Champ was scheduled for ocular removal next week for approximately $4200. When his story went on Facebook, two of our volunteers stepped forward to recommend a vet, that would not only do the surgery for less, but is one of the few who do implants, so that Champ would look like a “typical” dog, without sewn shut lids.

Laura, a volunteer, paved the way with a phone call to them, and when I called the vet, was told they would do an evisceration, and eye prosthesis the very next day. FOR LESS!

So this morning Jim, myself and our golden, Frida May, made the 1 hour drive to Flushing to get Champ from his foster. We then drove another hour to the Animal Ophthalmology Center in Williamston, where we met the wonderful and kind Dr. David Ramsey.

Champs eye pressure was very bad, and he had two detached retinas. This poor boy’s eyes were a mess.
It took three of us and a muzzle to be able to get drops in for the exam.

Once Dr Ramsey saw his behavior, he suggested an antibiotic shot, to avoid Champ needing the 10 days of antibiotic eye drops needed following the procedure.
Unfortunately, they didn’t carry it. So….their lovely staff member Tina, called another vet, requesting they fill the script for us, for Dr Ramsey to administer.

Back in the car we went, and drove off to pick up the meds! It was a VERY expensive shot. $295, but when told we were a rescue, Cedar Creek Vet discounted to $249.

Champs surgery went very well. He was ready to be discharged and transported back to his current foster at 3pm.

The total amount was $3,300, plus the shot. Still less than the original vet, and he has EYES.

Champ has a recheck in 1 week, and then hopefully he will be an adoptable boyo.
I am learning there are so many wonderful, caring people in this organization.
Not Just the dogs are golden!
It was a good day, and an honor to be a part of this boys journey.

Thank you to everyone who have donated towards Champ’s ongoing medical needs! Someone will be very lucky to adopt this sweet boy once he is recovered!




Champ’s Fight Against Glaucoma