
Birthday: 06/04/2021 - Female


Adopted as of 8/3/24!


Indie is a beautiful 52 lb. sweetheart who was surrendered because her owner could no longer care for her. She has an easygoing temperament and loves all people. She will greet you with a wiggle that you’ll just have to see to believe!   Indie gets along with cats and dogs. Her previous owner said she was around kids as young as 5 so GRRoM recommends kids be at least 5, preferably older, since interactions have not been observed.   Indie is food motivated and will eat her food and everyone else’s if she thinks no one is watching. However, she listens well and understands “no”. She loves to ride in the car and be outside.  She walks easily on a leash and comes when called but would benefit from positive reinforcement obedience training. A physical fence is not required.  Other forms of containment would likely be acceptable. She isn’t much interested in playing with her foster family’s dog but does get along with him and follows him wherever he goes. She is learning to fetch but mostly wants to just hang out by your side with a toy or two. Indie is a super sweet dog who will make a great companion for a novice or experienced dog owner.

Health Information:

Healthy Female Golden

Information about other animals:

Gets along with cats and dogs.

Adoption Wish List:

  • Children in the home must be 5 years old or older.

  • A fence is not required; other forms of containment acceptable.

  • Obedience training encouraged.




Sophie Turns 14!