
Birthday: 5/14/2018 - Female




Wrenly is a perfect little 65 lb. girl. She was surrendered due to owner’s health issues. She listens very well and knows all her basic commands.  She does, however, need some work on leash walking. With patience and practice from her new family, she will improve. Wrenly likes to go in her crate at night sometimes but crating her is not necessary. She rides great in the car, and she did well at the vet and groomer.  Wrenly can be shy and timid at times, especially during first meetings.  She just needs time to get settled in and to trust you; and then you will have a new best friend. She gets along with dogs big and small and even with cats. She loves balls and will retrieve it and drop it at your feet for you to throw again and again.  Wrenly does have some skin allergies and will likely need to be on medication routinely for this.  A novice or experienced family is appropriate, and children should be 10 years and older. A physical fence is preferred but other kinds of containment will be considered. A positive reinforcement obedience class is highly recommended to help her bond with her new family. Having another dog would be a plus for her since she loves hanging out with her foster’s dogs.  Wrenly is sweet, kind, loving and very well-mannered and is just an overall fantastic dog.  If you think she fits the bill for your family, then come and check her out. 

Health Information:

Deals with skin allergies and will likely need to be on medication routinely for this.

Information about other animals:

Gets along with other dogs and cats.

Adoption Wish List:

  • Children in the home should be older than 10 years old.

  • Physical fence preferred, but other forms of containment would be considered.

  • A positive reinforcement obedience class is highly recommended to help her bond with her new family.

  • Having another dog would be a plus for her since she loves hanging out with her foster’s dogs. 



